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Monday, 24 October 2022

 Open letter to Mr Hu Jintao and to Mr Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 

You will have both immediately noticed that this letter does not address Mr Hu Jintao as ‘President of the People’s Republic of China’. This is because the term “People’s Republic of China” contains three falsehoods: “People’s” – it cannot be the people’s when the people’s wishes are deliberately twisted and soiled. “Republic” – it cannot be a republic if democratic elections continue to be refused by a dictatorial and totalitarian regime. And it cannot be “China” while the communist mainland continues to threaten the culturally Chinese democratic Taiwan with armed aggression. Mr Hu, you are not, therefore, the leader of China; rather, your ‘authority’ is derived from your position as Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which has become a violent, corrupt and morally bankrupt cabal.

Mr Blair, you are included as a recipient of this letter because in your position as a democratically elected leader of a country with an established tradition of rule of law, you should be aware that the CCP sends thugs to assault its opponents on British soil. A Falun Gong practitioner who sat opposite the Chinese embassy in London in peaceful protest against the Chinese government’s persecution of Falun Gong, was physically attacked by a person who emerged from the embassy. We implore you to bear this in mind – this propensity to resort to thuggish brutality, the CCP’s assumed right to employ the foulest means – when you meet with Mr Hu. 

The communism of the Cold War continues to poison and sully China. The original violation of all things human in China was the opening salvo against traditional concepts of property and society; the rulers monopolised power and wealth in the name of ‘public ownership’, and tens of millions of lives were lost and destroyed along the war-path to the ultimate victim – Chinese culture itself. 

Mao Zedong’s beloved Cultural Revolution was about finding the most elegant style with which to bludgeon his way to absolute power. The Tiananmen Massacre was Deng Xiaoping ignoring communism’s collapse the world over; China was beaten and dragged in the opposite direction to the history of humanity. In the age of Jiang Zemin, power and money colluded to turn all of China into the world’s largest National Museum of Communism, exhibiting “the worst of socialism and the worst of capitalism”. 

Jiang Zemin outlawed Falun Gong and initiated the horrifically cruel treatment of its practitioners, but in doing so he conversely reawakened an interest in traditional Chinese culture – the exact opposite of his intention. 

Practitioners of Falun Gong believe in truth, benevolence and forbearance, and strive for freedom of belief through peaceful protest. Falun Gong have already become an important and durable component of China’s democratic forces, and they are earning the admiration and support of people the world over – more so for contrasting so sharply with the barbarity of the CCP. 

Indeed anyone with a penchant for truth in the China you sustain is unsafe. Communist propaganda units under your leadership, Mr Hu – like a Ministry of Punishments – sanction any part of the media even vaguely attempting to give voice to the people. Harbouring or expressing thoughts at even the slightest variance from the “correct requirements” are targeted for prohibition, with the obvious intention of obliterating independent thought and voices in China. 

Southern Metropolitan News was closed, the editor sentenced to six years in prison, the deputy editor sentenced to eight years and the editor in chief detained for more than a year. The reason? They reported to China and the rest of the world the outbreak of SARS while your ‘government’ tried to hide it. 

The editor of Southern Weekend was transferred, the deputy editors removed from the office, and the journalists were dismissed. The reason? Southern Weekend’s reports of a bank raid and the spread of HIV/AIDS were a ‘black mark’ against the local CCP and ‘government’. 

On 24 January 2006 (the same day that the Falun Gong protestor was assaulted in London), the weekly Freezing Point – the ‘last remaining voice’ – was closed and the editor Li Datong was dismissed. Freezing Point had been a vocal critic of your ‘government’ and the effects of its policies. 

As leader of an organization with one of the most sophisticated public surveillance systems in the world, you are no doubt aware of Shi Tao, the poet and editor sentenced to 10 years in prison having sent e-mails about CCP meetings to overseas Chinese democracy activists? 

And in case you’d forgotten, the Singapore-based journalist Ching Cheong is now being detained illegally under China’s own laws – he should have been either tried or released by 16 February. Your ‘government’ have effectively kidnapped him because he was trying to research the writings of one of your predecessors, Zhao Ziyang. 

And now western media companies like Google and Yahoo! have abandoned any principles they ever had to join your game of double standards; they have established a system of checking, forbidding and extirpating information not conducive to your totalitarianism. 

The grubbiest scene so far in the twenty-first century’s intellectual history is thousands upon thousands of Internet pages of independent thought being blocked by this political firewall, built, to their eternal shame, by western companies. 

And as you face Chinese society, with its mounting problems and contradictions, rather than address or reform its twisted socio-economic structures, you instead pursue a small group of brave lawyers who dare to defend the rights of the weak, as though in the enforced silence your lies and lullabies will plaster over the growing cracks. 

These lawyers, who have dared to take you at your word when you talk about the need for rule of law in China, have been harassed, beaten or detained for attempting to use the law to defend the rights of people abused by the CCP. 

Gao Zhicheng and Guo Feixiong are representative of this breed of lawyers. Both are involved in attempting to represent and defend villagers in Guangdong Province, victims of a “mini-Tiananmen” when security forces opened fire on unarmed demonstrators in December last year. 

They and many more lawyers like them continue to fight for what is obviously right by any standard of humanity and conscience; yet they are up against a system dominated by the CCP which has absolutely no vested interest in recognising and respecting the human rights of the Chinese people. 

The plight of Gao, Guo and lawyers like them has given rise to hunger strikes being staged throughout the world to declare support for all human rights defenders in China, and to condemn the brutality of the CCP.

Mr Hu, your ‘government’ is actually increasing control and repression of independent thought; after 30 years of reforms, the human rights situation in China is ranked 177th in the world. And it must be clearly understood that improvements in the lives of Chinese people have not been because of the generosity or benevolence of the ‘government’ you represent. Instead, improvements have been the result of grudging concessions made by the CCP in the face of demands from the people and the international community – improvements despite, not because of, the CCP. 

Yet we are still disposed to offer you a friendly reminder, Mr Hu: there are secret agents amongst your evil doers. Soldiers who shoot over the heads people protesting their loss of rights are secret agents; a lawyer living in safety while defending protestors’ rights is also a secret agent; a journalist with the sense of justice to express the outrage of the Chinese nation with every ounce of his being is yet another secret agent. 

And it is through these agents that the world is judging you, Mr Hu, and not the impression you hope you make when you attend G8 or come to the United Kingdom. 

What is the value of high GDP and enormous foreign exchange reserves when they’ve been acquired by a money-grubbing, power-corrupted, justice-perverting clique of gangsters under your command? And what is the point of ever-higher sky-scrapers for your rich and famous lackeys to name in honour of themselves, when the souls of the Chinese people have been so thoroughly polluted?

We beseech you, Mr Hu, to ponder long and hard upon these questions: why is it that lawyers are taking risks and why are the people they defend still protesting? Why are journalists braving such extreme personal danger to work for the rule of law in China? Why is it that so many people in China and elsewhere – known and unknown – are writing reproving letters to you, and even going on hunger strike as a token of their determination? Could it be that spiritually and in truth, “the Chinese people have stood up”? Could it be that an ancient culture has found its way to modernity? Can we now start to discard of the stinking, rotting baggage that has been grafted onto “China” by dint of the CCP’s continued existence? 

It does not matter that you hold the most powerful position in China – you are still just a person, Mr Hu. You too, therefore, need to consider how history will judge you. 

And even as you consider yourself, don’t forget those secret agents!

Mr Tony Blair, you can see from the above that clearly, the human rights situation in China is not improving; indeed, it is becoming critical. 

It must be realised that while the CCP finds ever more ways to pervert human rights standards while lulling the world with promises of riches, those who oppose the CCP’s brutality are living some of the most precarious and dangerous existences in China. 

Western governments’ duties to protect these people are part and parcel of the same duties these governments have to protect their long-term national interests; and therefore the extreme danger of being bewitched by the ‘Chinese Economic Miracle’ must be realised. As western companies troop to China in search of cheap labour and western workers are laid off, people are asking why is Chinese labour so cheap? It’s not because China’s population is so big; more, it’s because independent trade unions are illegal, Chinese workers are not given medical insurance, there is no national minimum wage, nor is there a pension fund. Labour could be cheaper still if a company moved to North Korea! 

Helping Chinese workers defend their rights today is to help establish a fairer, more competitive global business environment, which in turn is to help workers in the west regain their own employment rights. 

We should in fact be genuinely grateful to the people who are standing on the front line of political opposition to the CCP. 

If the west is submitting to the lure of the order book and unilaterally abandoning principles of democracy and human rights – to the extent that it is shoring up the CCP’s ‘stability’ to protect huge investments in China – then principles about the value of humanity are being dangerously eroded. Surely that is too high and too terrifying a price to pay. 

The sages of western culture would be deeply pained by this; the ideals and sacrifices of generations of Chinese people are being ridiculed and belittled. Was the whole struggle really for no more than a homogenous, indifferent and sneering world? 

This is your secret agent, Mr Blair. The ‘China Question’ is not unfolding in some faraway place; it is here beneath the feet of you and your government, and is a large part of the reality of western governance. 

Hollow platitudes and appeals for human rights and democracy are nothing compared to standing and facing challenges with determination and clarity. 

The world is patiently watching and waiting to see which choice you make. 

We implore you to think long and hard on this crucial issue. 

Yang Lian, Poet
Lady Kina Avebury
Cai Chu Writer and Director of the Independent Chinese Writers' Association
Chen Maiping Writer and International Secretary of the Independent Chinese Writers' Association
Chen Kuide, Writer and Director of the Independent Chinese Writers' Association
Brian Coleman,Member of the London Assembly
Antony Dunn Writer and poet
Leonardo Felli Academic, London School of Economics and Political Science
Carola Frege Academic, London School of Economics and Political Science
Dr William N. Herbert Poet and Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University
Peter Jauhal President of the European Falun Dafa Association and the British Falun Gong Association
Professor John Keane, University of Westminster, UK; Institute of Social Sciences, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Li Guihua Head of the Grand Alliance to Bid Farewell to the Chinese Communist Party (UK)
Liang Zhen, General Manager, Voice of Hope International Radio Europe
Liao Tianqi Writer, Editor of the China Information Centre website Observation, Director of the Independent Chinese Writers PEN
Dr William Liu Editor-in-Chief of The Epoch Times (UK)
Liu Xiaobo Writer, President of the Independent Chinese Writers' Association
Ma Jian Writer
Tinch Minter Writer
Jonathan Mirsky, journalist and author
Qiu Xiangzhong Former Editor-in-Chief of Hong Kong Economic Journal
Shao Jiang Exiled dissident
Lord Francis Thurlow, former Deputy Under Secretary of State, British Foreign Office
Wang Lingsong Head of New Tang Dynasty Television UK
Xia Ze Head of Friends of Tiananmen Mothers UK
Dr Xu Yi, academic, University of London
Xu Bei Bei Labour rights activist
Caroline Brossi Yates Scientist and Director of the Centre for the Future of Science and Culture
You You Writer
Dr. Zou Xiang Researcher, University of Cambridge

Date: 25 February 2006

------Chinese version----


你们应该已经注意到,在这封公开信的开始,我们没有称呼胡锦涛先生为“中华人民共和国主席”。因为“中华人民共和国”一词,至少包含着三个谎言:“中华” ——还是坚持武力威胁同为中华文化传人的台湾的共产党大陆?“人民”——还是被逆反和强奸的民意?“共和国”——还是拒绝民主选举的独裁专制体系?因此,这封信的第一收信人,不是中国的领导人,而是一个欠下累累血债的非法集团的头领。








2000年1月至 2001 年5月,被中国传媒视为“第一周报”的《南方周末》被整顿,主编调离,副主编撤职,主要记者被开除。原因:《南方周末》报道银行抢劫、艾滋病蔓延时,给当地党和政府“抹黑”。


2005年 4月30 日,湖南长沙《当代商报》前编辑部主任、诗人师涛,因为“非法向境外提供国家机密罪”经秘密审判被判10年徒刑,真实原因是他将政府秘密传达的文件笔记:“将严惩闯关海外民运人士”传递到海外。

2005年12月 29 日,中国大陆因其敢于批评社会问题而深受欢迎的《新京报》被改组,总编杨斌被撤职。


















即使你无意学习西方,中共党内的老一辈“理想主义”者如胡耀邦、赵紫阳、胡绩伟、李锐等,也足够做你的人生表率了,他们之能载入史册,仅在于对自我持一个 “诚”字,对祖国持一个“爱”字。而他们之不见容于你的利益集团,也把你置于了真诚和爱国的对立面。所以,不管作为中国权力的首席执掌者,还是一个普通人,你都要掂量将来历史的评判。即使出于一己私心,也别忘了那些底线吧!







